Brave Sir Robin
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:05 p.m.
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Brave ly bold Sir Ro bin Rode forth from cam e lot he was not a fraid to die O Brave Sir Ro bin He was not at all a fraid to be kill'd in na sty ways Brave Brave Brave Bra ve Sir Ro bin He was not in the least bit scar'd to be mash'd in to a pulp Or to have his eyes goug'd out and his el bows bro ken To have his knee caps split and his bo dy burn'd a way and his limbs all hack'd and mang led Bra ve Sir Robin His head smash'd in and his heart cut out and his li ver re mov'd and his bowels un plugg'd and his nos trils rap'd and his bot tom burn'd off and his penis
...Thats' enough music for now lads...